
In the period 1969-1991, 46 extensor indicis proprius tendon transfers were performed for functional loss of extensor pollicis longus. The long-term function of the thumb was reviewed in 22 patients with an average follow-up of 7 years. Based on Geldmacher's evaluation scheme for assessment of the results of extensor tendon reconstruction, we report 5 excellent (23%), 4 good (18%), 12 satisfactory (55%) and 1 poor (4%) result. The mean loss of pinch strength was 8% compared with the contralateral, non-operated thumb. Subjectively, the majority of the patients (86%) described no limitations in their daily life activities. It is recommended that the transfer be tight enough to give full thumb extension and that the hand be immobilized with the thumb in this position for 4 weeks.

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