
The clinical case represents the surgical correction of postoperative complications in a patient with Peyronie's disease. The patient underwent flap corporoplasty using an autovein. The late postoperative period in the patient was complicated by extensive necrosis of the penile skin, which required repeated surgery as follows. The first stage of surgical treatment was performed by excision of necrotic tissues of the penile skin. Within 10 days of the postoperative period, chymotrypsin with an ointment containing dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine with chloramphenicol was applied to the penile wound surface to prepare the wound for subsequent skin autotransplantation. Further, within 5 days, the polymeric drainage sorbent «Aseptisorb DT» was applied to the wound surface until the wound was cleansed and granulation tissue was formed. The second stage of the surgical treatment performed penile skin replacement plasty with a free perforated skin graft taken from the patient's femoral surface.


  • The authors declare no conflicts of interest

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest. A. Extensive penile skin necrosis after surgery for Peyronie’s disease. Клинические проявления болезни Пейрони представлены болью, деформацией полового члена при эрекции и наличием зон уплотнения белочной оболочки и межкавернозной перегородки, определяющихся при пальпации [3]. Оперативные вмешательства при болезни Пейрони можно разделить на два вида: операции, укорачивающие половой член, и операции, удлиняющие половой член Устранить искривление полового члена без его укорочения позволяют пластические операции, такие как заместительная корпоропластика или графтинг, когда дефект белочной оболочки после иссечения бляшки закрывают трансплантатом [4, 5, 6, 7].

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