
Recent experimental observation of weak ergodicity breaking in Rydberg atom quantum simulators has sparked interest in quantum many-body scars-eigenstates which evade thermalization at finite energy densities due to novel mechanisms that do not rely on integrability or protection by a global symmetry. A salient feature of some quantum many-body scars is their subvolume bipartite entanglement entropy. In this Letter, we demonstrate that such exact many-body scars also possess extensive multipartite entanglement structure if they stem from an su(2) spectrum generating algebra. We show this analytically, through scaling of the quantum Fisher information, which is found to be superextensive for exact scarred eigenstates in contrast to generic thermal states. Furthermore, we numerically study signatures of multipartite entanglement in the PXP model of Rydberg atoms, showing that extensive quantum Fisher information density can be generated dynamically by performing a global quench experiment. Our results identify a rich multipartite correlation structure of scarred states with significant potential as a resource in quantum enhanced metrology.

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