
The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a panel of reproducible recombinant inbred mouse strains with high levels of standing genetic variation, thereby affording unprecedented opportunity to perform experiments in a small animal model containing controlled genetic diversity while allowing for genetic replicates. Here, we advance the utility of this unique mouse resource for immunology research, as it allows for both examination and genetic dissection of mechanisms behind adaptive immune states in mice with distinct and defined genetic makeups. This approach is founded on quantitative trait locus mapping: identifying genetically variant genome regions associated with phenotypic variance in traits-of-interest. Furthermore, the CC can be utilized for mouse model development; distinct strains have unique immunophenotypes and immune properties, making them suitable for research on particular diseases and infections. Here, we describe variation in cellular immune phenotypes across F1 crosses of CC strains, and reveal novel quantitative trait loci responsible for several immune phenotypes.

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