
In designing functional biological sequences with machine learning, the activity predictor tends to be inaccurate due to shortage of data. Top ranked sequences are thus unlikely to contain effective ones. This paper proposes to take prediction stability into account to provide domain experts with a reasonable list of sequences to choose from. In our approach, multiple prediction models are trained by subsampling the training set and the multi-objective optimization problem, where one objective is the average activity and the other is the standard deviation, is solved. The Pareto front represents a list of sequences with the whole spectrum of activity and stability. Using this method, we designed VHH (Variable domain of Heavy chain of Heavy chain) antibodies based on the dataset obtained from deep mutational screening. To solve multi-objective optimization, we employed our sequence design software MOQA that uses quantum annealing. By applying several selection criteria to 19,778 designed sequences, five sequences were selected for wet-lab validation. One sequence, 16 mutations away from the closest training sequence, was successfully expressed and found to possess desired binding specificity. Our whole spectrum approach provides a balanced way of dealing with the prediction uncertainty, and can possibly be applied to extensive search of functional sequences.

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