
The whole volume of the contemporary information describes the Central Arctic Uplifts Complex as a composite block of continental crust. Rift-related stretching and attenuation of the continental crust is the principal factor dictating the tectonic evolution of this block and its two-phased HALIP magmatism. The most evident signs of the rift-induced strain, − systems of grabens and half-grabens, high-altitude and gently dipping normal faults – are present in the Lomonosov Ridge, Mendeleev Ridge, Chukchi Plateau and on the slopes of the uplifts into the western parts of the Podvodnikov and Chukchi basins. Depocenters of the Vilkitsky Trough (deep-water prolongation of the offshore North Chukchi Trough) and Chukchi Basin are filled with substantially thick Jurassic (or pre- Upper Jurassic) sequence, traceable from the North Chukchi Trough. Jurassic (or pre- Upper Jurassic) deposits are interpreted as relicts of the pre-oceanic Ellesmerian structural stage preserved in near-shelf tectonic depressions. They are strongly affected by rifting only at the elevated parts of the Central Arctic Uplifts Complex, and much less – in the depocenters of the sedimentary depressions.

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