
this research aimed at determining the degree of importance of the requirements related to: the agricultural extension system, personnel and extension programs in order to enable agricultural extension play an active role for the promotion of organic farming, as well as to identifying the sources of information of the respondents regarding organic agriculture, and identifying the problems and suggested solutions concerning that matter. The study was conducted in Minia Governorate, where the largest number of the extension workers was found in three districts, data were collected in January and February 2015 by using personal interview questionnaire with a random sample of extension personnel amounted to 138 respondents representing about 64.2% of the total number of extension personnel in these districts according to Krejcie and Morgan. Frequencies, percentages and weighted average were used to present data of study.The most important results were summarized as follows: 1- The most important requirements for the agricultural extension system to improve organic agriculture according to the weighted average were: provide specialists for organic agriculture at the level of agricultural departments (3.62), provide a suitable means of communication between organic farmers and agricultural extension (3.59), following strength the relationship between agricultural extension system and agriculture research centers to get new information and recent results in organic agriculture (3.58). 2- The most important requirements for extension personnel for improving organic agriculture according to the weighted average was as follows: provide financial and material support for agricultural workers to enable them to carry out their functions in organic agriculture (3.55), then agricultural workers are high qualified in agricultural extension (3.52), and subsequent access to suitable and sufficient courses in organic agriculture (3.5). 3- The most important requirements for developing extension programs for improving organic agriculture according to the weighted average were: identify problems facing organic agriculture in Egypt (3.5), and then identify the needs of consumers of organic products (3.43), following the preparation of guidance publications on organic agriculture (3.39). 4- The results indicated that the work chiefs come in the first as source of the organic agriculture to respondents as it mentioned by (76.8%), then extension meetings (72.5%), and extension releases (72.5%).The results showed that the most important problems from the perspective of respondents were: the absence of complete knowledge among consumers of the importance of organic product in terms of value to health and the environment (78.9%),And lack of agricultural inputs of seed, bio-fertilizer and organic pesticides (70.3%), with easy way to farm. 6- The most important solutions to problems were: the agricultural extension raise awareness of consumer for the importance of organic product on health and environmental (81.9%), support production requirements and provide in the agricultural association (73.9%). This research was completed several recommendations were derived from the findings.

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