
UNIVERSITY College, London, has acquired by purchase a site of two acres, formerly occupied by Messrs. Shoolbred, immediately south of the buildings of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the College. This is the largest addition to the site of the College made since its foundation more than one hundred years ago. The site acquired by the founders was some eight acres in extent, and most of the previous additions to the College have been confined to this area. So long as fifty years ago attempts were made by the College to buy the site, on which, eventually, were erected warehouses, depositories, and stables for Messrs. Shoolbred. The site was too large for University College to buy or to occupy as a whole. The problem was solved by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees, who acquired part of the property as permanent headquarters for the National Central Library and the Library Association. In the College part of the territory there will be housed the Departments of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Botany, Geology, Geography, and Political Economy, and certain other needs will be served there. The Departments moving out of the old buildings of the College will set free accommodation much needed by the Faculty of Arts and by the Libraries. The College has also received a great benefaction for the endowment of the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy from the Rockefeller Foundation. The benefaction amounts to £88,000, and must be devoted to the advancement of research. This gift follows other benefactions by the Rockefeller Foundation, which have made possible the building of the new Department of Anatomy and Embryology and the provision of endowments for that Department and the Departments of Physiology and Pharmacology.

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