
This article provides three theoretical extensions to George Katsiaficas's understanding of the “eros effect,” which is a concept for explaining mass political awakenings and spontaneous rebellions. Katsiaficas argues that moments of mass revolt ignite the human need for justice and universal solidarity. That solidarity then radiates outward, alluring people into revolt and creating a groundswell of radicalism. Katsiaficas's heuristic is used here as a springboard for further theorizing. To begin, the eros effect is grounded in the sentient body—that is, the body's ability to feel itself and the world in ways that precede and exceed not only perception and language, but any and all oppressive conditions. It is also argued that the sentient body is a reality-creating organism that is inhibited and/or hindered by various oppressive conditions. This tension between creation and oppression produces the conditions of mass revolt. Lastly, the phenomenon of bodily emanation is introduced to explain the magnetic allure of mass rebellion—spontaneous mass revolts emanate a tangible and experiential feeling that attracts people to radical activity. Overall, this philosophy of sentience, reality, and emanation provides a sympathetic extension of Katsiaficas's eros effect.

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