
The role of Clinical Research Nurses across the globe has not been evaluated to identify similarities or differences among specific activities. This study's aims were to determine differences in Clinical Research Nurses most frequently performed activities, if these activities are reflective of those previously described in the literature, and job titles Clinical Research Nurses use to self-identify. An online cross-sectional survey distributed via snowball sampling through email, social media, and research nurses' networks included questions on frequency of activities performed and information related to job titles. Pearson's chi-square test is analyzed for associations between the groups. Respondents returned 252 questionnaires, 233 were eligible for analysis. Research nurse activities performed internationally showed both similarities and differences. Any between country comparisons will be limited to the United States and the United Kingdom. The three most common tasks reported were recruitment 120 (51.5%), monitoring the research participant for potential adverse events 187 (80.2%) and providing nursing leadership within the interdisciplinary team 169 (72.5%). Considering the context and range of activities of the original Clinical Research Nursing Domain of Practice, broadening the framework to include the leadership domain will better serve as a foundation for the specialty practice.

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