
Studying careers and organizational behavior using person-centered approaches like cluster analysis or more modern mixture modeling approaches like latent class/profile analysis is of great theoretical value for career and organizational research. The idea is that the responses contained in a sample consist of a “mix” of responses stemming from various subpopulations. After years of proliferation of mixture modeling research in our field, we now need to broaden our focus and ask ourselves: What more can be achieved using mixture modeling in careers and organizational research? How can mixture modeling be used beyond “internal” latent profile analyses by extending the latent profile analyses or using less common mixture modeling techniques? In this symposium, we present a selection of works using such more elaborate applications of mixture modeling. Our goal is to show attendees of our symposium how to go beyond internal latent profile analyses by adding covariates to their analyses and using less well-known mixture modeling approaches like mixture regression analysis to enhance the empirical and theoretical benefits of mixture modeling. Conflict Culture Profiles and Organizational Innovation: A Configural Approach Presenter: Yixuan Li; U. of Florida Presenter: Yiduo Shao; U. of Iowa Presenter: Zhefan Huang; U. of Florida Presenter: Guiyao Tang; Shandong U. How Do Resources Combine to Achieve Career Goals: Using Latent Profile Analysis to Predict Outcomes Presenter: Madeleine Haenggli; U. of Bern A Multiple-Group Latent Profile Exploration of Work Value Profiles across Cultures Presenter: Domingo Valero; Lucerne U. of Applied Sciences and Arts Presenter: Chunyu Zhang; Shaanxi Normal U. Presenter: María José González López; U. of Granada Presenter: Noemi Nagy; U. of South Florida Does Job Crafting Always Boost Work Engagement? Presenter: Anne Mäkikangas; Tampere U. Presenter: Asko Tolvanen; U. of Jyväskylä Presenter: Soile Juutinen; Tampere U. Presenter: Kirsi Sjöblom; Tampere U.

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