
Recently, we developed a low-scaling Multi-Layer Energy-Based Fragment (MLEBF) method for accurate excited-state calculations and nonadiabatic dynamics simulations of nonbonded fragment systems. In this work, we extend the MLEBF method to treat covalently bonded fragment ones. The main idea is cutting a target system into many fragments according to chemical properties. Fragments with dangling bonds are first saturated by chemical groups; then, saturated fragments, together with the original fragments without dangling bonds, are grouped into different layers. The accurate total energy expression is formulated with the many-body energy expansion theory, in combination with the inclusion-exclusion principle that is used to delete the contribution of chemical groups introduced to saturate dangling bonds. Specifically, in a two-layer MLEBF model, the photochemically active and inert layers are calculated with high-level and efficient electronic structure methods, respectively. Intralayer and interlayer energies can be truncated at the two- or three-body interaction level. Subsequently, through several systems, including neutral and charged covalently bonded fragment systems, we demonstrate that MLEBF can provide accurate ground- and excited-state energies and gradients. Finally, we realize the structure, conical intersection, and path optimizations by combining our MLEBF program with commercial and free packages, e.g., ASE and SciPy. These developments make MLEBF a practical and reliable tool for studying complex photochemical and photophysical processes of large nonbonded and bonded fragment systems.

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