
Semi-crystalline polymers exhibit microphase separation into crystalline and amorphous domains characterized by multiple structural levels with sizes ranging from ångströms to hundreds of nanometres. The combination of small-angle (SANS) and wide-angle (WANS) neutron scattering on the same beamline enables reliable insitu characterization of such materials under application-relevant conditions, with the unique advantage of contrast variation by controlled labelling, allowing the structure of such multi-component systems to be resolved in detail. This paper reports a structural analysis performed on deuterated polymer membranes based on syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) using an extended Q-range SANS and WANS combination, always with the same neutron scattering instrument, either a pinhole SANS diffractometer installed at a research reactor or a 'small- and wide-angle' time-of-flight diffractometer installed at a neutron spallation source. sPS is a semi-crystalline material that becomes hydrophilic and proton conducting when suitable functionalization is achieved by thin film sulfonation, and can form various co-crystalline complexes (clathrates) with small organic molecules stored in the crystalline phase as guests in the vacancies between the polymer helices. Therefore, this material is interesting not only for its conducting properties but also for its versatility as a model system to evaluate the usefulness of extended Q-range neutron scattering in such studies. Variation of neutron contrast was achieved in the amorphous hydrophilic phase by using H2O or D2O to hydrate the membranes and in the crystalline phase by loading the clathrates with deuterated or protonated guest molecules. The experimental approach, the advantages and limitations of the two types of instrumentation used in such analyses, and the main results obtained with respect to the structural characterization of sulfonated sPS membranes under different hydration and temperature conditions are reported, and the potential of this method for similar structural studies on other semi-crystalline polymeric materials is discussed.

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