
The half-filled extended Hubbard model (including nearest-neighbor interaction) is considered in perturbation theory at weak coupling on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice (d\ensuremath{\gtrsim}3). It is shown that the exact critical temperature and the exact order parameter in the weak-coupling limit differ from the corresponding Hartree results by a renormalization factor q of order unity. This renormalization factor q is calculated systematically up to O(1/d) in a 1/d expansion. The results depend sensitively on dimension and on the relative strength of the nearest-neighbor interaction. The renormalization factor in d=3, estimated from the 1/d expansion, is q\ensuremath{\simeq}0.282 for the pure Hubbard model, q\ensuremath{\simeq}0.179 near the spin-density-wave to charge-density-wave transition and q\ensuremath{\simeq}0.830 in the limit of pure nearest-neighbor interaction.

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