
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) suffers from different malware attacks. Several traditional approaches are proposed for detecting fault nodes in WSN. It is necessary to redistribute the nodes and detect the fault nodes while modifying the WSN parameters. Faults can occur in the nodes interrupting the continuous communication process of the nodes in the WSN. The main reason for a fault is also the induction of the energy drain in a node to the maximum possible level, failure of links in communicating nodes due to bandwidth constraints, and attacks induced by the malicious nodes. To solve this problems, Extended Finite State Machine based Fault Tolerance (EFSM_FT) in the WSN is used to detect the fault sensor nodes in the WSN. In this approach, called the finite state machine (FSM), state prompted is modified while a set of situations are true. Every node can be absolutely to be faulty or not establishing on the sensor node states. Using sensor energy, drop rate, forward sensor rate, sensor obtained rate, bandwidth, and transmission delay, this method finds the node with the fault. As a result, this approach accurately detects the faulty nodes in the WSN. The simulation outcomes illustrate the proposed method has a better fault detection ratio and minimizes the false negative ratio in the WSN.

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