
The spin-half XXZ model on the linear chain and the square lattice are examined with the extended coupled cluster method (ECCM) of quantum many-body theory. We are able to describe both the Ising-Heisenberg phase and the XY-Heisenberg phase, starting from known wave functions in the Ising limit and at the phase transition point between the XY-Heisenberg and ferromagnetic phases, respectively, and by systematically incorporating correlations on top of them. The ECCM yields good numerical results via a diagrammatic approach, which makes the numerical implementation of higher-order truncation schemes feasible. In particular, the best non-extrapolated coupled cluster result for the sublattice magnetization is obtained, which indicates the employment of an improved wave function. Furthermore, the ECCM finds the expected qualitatively different behaviours of the linear chain and the square lattice cases.

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