
Fourier domain mode-locking (FDML) has been a popular laser design for high speed optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) but the achievable coherence length, and therefore imaging range, has been limited. The narrow instantaneous linewidth of a frequency comb (FC) FDML laser could provide an attractive platform for high speed as well as long range OFDI. Unfortunately, aliasing artifacts arising from signals beyond the principle measurement depth of the free spectral range have prohibited the use of a FC FDML for imaging so far. To make the enhanced coherence length of FC FDML laser available, methods to manage such artifacts are required. Recently, coherent circular ranging has been demonstrated that uses frequency combs for imaging in much reduced RF bandwidths. Here, we revisit circular ranging as a tool of making the long coherence length of an FDML frequency comb laser as well as its use for tissue imaging accessible. Using an acousto-optic frequency shifter (AOFS), we describe an active method to mitigate signal aliasing that is both stable and wavelength independent. We show that an FC FDML laser offers an order of magnitude improved coherence length compared to traditional FDML laser designs without requiring precise dispersion engineering. We discuss design parameters of a frequency stepping laser resonator as well as aliasing from a frequency comb and AOFS in OFDI with numerical simulations. The use of circular ranging additionally reduced acquisition bandwidths 15-fold compared with traditional OFDI methods. The FC FDML/AOFS design offers a convenient platform for long range and high speed imaging as well as exploring signal and image processing methods in circular ranging.

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