
Reaction of then = 1 Ruddlesden-Popper oxide LaSr3CoRuO8 with CaH2 yields the oxyhydride phase LaSr3CoRuO4H4 via a topochemical anion exchange. Close inspection of the X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data in combination with HAADF-STEM images reveals that the nanoparticles of SrO are exsolved from the system during the reaction, with the change in cation stoichiometry accommodated by the inclusion ofn > 1 (Co/Ru)nOn+1H2n "perovskite" layers into the Ruddlesden-Popper stacking sequence. This novel pseudotopochemical process offers a new route for the formation of n > 1 Ruddlesden-Popper structured materials. Magnetization data are consistent with a LaSr3Co+Ru2+O4H4 (Co+, d8, S = 1; Ru2+, d6, S = 0) oxidation/spin state combination. Neutron diffraction and μ+SR data show no evidence for long-range magnetic order down to 2 K, suggesting the diamagnetic Ru2+ centers impede the Co-Co magnetic-exchange interactions.

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