
Exsiccatae of the Bryophytes of Taiwan, issued in 1981, were dis- tributed in two-hundred and fifty numbers in five series. Because of Taiwan's geographical position, its complicated topography as well as its subtropical and tropical oceanic climate, the microhabitats suitable for the growth of var- ious bryophytes are numerous. The bryophytic flora of Taiwan includes 1029 species (Lai & Wang-Yang 1976). When compared with other islands to the south-east and in Oceania, the number of species of mosses in Taiwan (644 spp.) is next to that of New Guinea (933 spp.), which is regarded by Schultze-Motel (1975) as a main center of moss evolution. However, the density of Taiwan mosses (644 spp./3600 sq km) is 1.5 times as many as that of New Guinea (930 spp./900,000 sq km). It is also of interest to mention that the density of the genera of phanerogams in the two areas reflects the same ratio (Paijmans 1976). In the history of bryological exploration of Taiwan, the earlier extensive collections were made mainly by A. Noguchi (1928, 1932; herb. Noguchi, HIRO, NICH & herb. Makino) and Y. Horikawa (1932, 1933, 1934, 1935; HIRO). Since then, important collections from Taiwan have been provided by T. Shin (1939; herb. Shin & herb. Makino), C. K. Wang (1958-; herb. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan-THU & NICH), H. Ando (HIRO), S. Nakanishi (1963; herb. Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan & NICH), Z. Iwatsuki & A. J. Sharp (1965; NICH & TENN), S. Lin (1967-; THU), C. Chuang (1967-1968; TAI & UBC), M. J. Lai (1970-; TAI), T. Koponen (1970; TAI & H), H. Ochi (1978; herb. Ochi), K. Yamada, Y. Yuzawa & Ogasawara (1979; herb. Yamada, NICH, TAI). Most of the type specimens of bryophytes from the island are deposited in G, B, JE, H, HIRO, herb. Makino, NICH, herb. Noguchi, THU, and TAI. In view of the bryophytes of Taiwan being poorly represented in many of the herbaria in the world, the author issued five series of Exsiccatae of the Bryophytes of Taiwan in 1981. Each series contains 50 members. At present, the herbaria in which sets of the exsiccatae have been deposited are: ALTA, MICH, H, HAREN, MO (incomplete set), NICH, NY, PAC, TAI (incomplete set), THU, and UBC. Following is a list of the taxa represented in the five series.

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