
The article analyzes the expressive means of linguistic expressiveness in the texts of anthologies about the Russo-Ukrainian war. It is determined that spatio-temporal components, toponyms, stylistic figures, phraseological units, with the help of which the authors convey the emotional state and their own vision of the war, add expressiveness to the analyzed works. The illustrative examples given in the paper show that the most frequently used figurative means are various types of toponyms: choronyms, astionyms, drymonyms, which acquire symbolic meaning and perform nominative, stylistic and localization functions. They help the reader imagine the place where the events take place and their use is mostly metaphorical. It is proven that expressive sounding is created by various stylistic figures: antonomasia, antithesis, deonymization, hyperbole, synecdoche, onomatopoeia. The most common artistic device is antithesis, which gives the texts of anthologies emotionality, expressiveness and imagery. Intensity and duration of the action are emphasized by repetition, which performs reinforcing, isolating, emotional-expressive and structural functions. It is found out that the authors of anthologies use various means of expression, in particular sensory images, among which visual perception prevails. The results show that black, gray, dark colors predominate in the analyzed texts, with the help of which the writers convey the lyrical hero’s feelings of pain, sadness, joylessness caused by the realities of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Emotional and evaluative modality is imbedded in lexical and phraseological neologisms that characterize modern reality. Taken together, these results suggest that in the texts of the anthologies about the Russo-Ukrainian war, emotionality of the expression is achieved by figurative and stylistic means of language.

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