
cAMP responsive element modulator (CREM) is one of the most important transcription factors expressed in male testes which connect the extra cellular signals to gene regulation. CREM expression switches from a repressor to an activator in testes during spermatogenesis. Any alteration in this switch leads to different testicular patterns. Methods: Total RNA was extracted from Eighty eight testicular biopsy and analyzed for CREM expression profiling. Normal spermatogenesis showed expression of CREM2and gamma repressor, the same finding was detected in Hypospermatogenesis group but with another longer repressor belong to alpha repressor type, 95% of Round spermatid maturation arrest group showed two repressor patterns, and 5% showed two activator transcripts of CREM2 activator. Sertoli cells only group didn’t show any activator transcripts of CREM. In conclusion studying the mechanisms of interaction between CREM repressors and activators in the normal and impaired spermatogenesis may lead to better understanding of genetic control of the spermatogenesis and consequently to better treatment options.

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