
Duplicated genes show various degrees of functional diversification in plants. We previously identified 1,052 pairs of high diversified duplicates (HDDs) and 600 pairs of low diversified duplicates (LDDs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Single knock-down of HDDs induced abnormal phenotypic changes because the other gene copy could not compensate for the knock-down effect, while single knock-down of LDDs did not induce abnormal phenotypic changes because of functional compensation by the copy gene. Here, focusing on one pair each of HDDs and LDDs, we performed transcriptome analyses in single-knock-down transgenic plants. The numbers of differentially expressed genes in single-knock-down transgenic plants were not different between HDDs and LDDs. Thus, functional compensation inferred by transcriptomics was similar between HDDs and LDDs. However, the trend of differentially expressed genes was similar in the pair of LDDs, while expression profiles were dissimilar in the pair of HDDs. This result indicates that a pair of LDDs tends to share similar functions but a pair of HDDs tends to have undergone functional divergence. Taking these findings together, as the reason for no phenotypic changes in single knock-down of LDDs but phenotypic changes in double knock-down of LDDs, we concluded that phenotypic changes of LDDs were induced by decreasing gene dosage.

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