
We examined deuterostome invertebrates, the sea urchin and amphioxus, and an extant primitive vertebrate, the lamprey, for the presence of structures expressing the HNK-1 carbohydrate and serotonin. In sea urchin embryos and larvae, HNK-1 positive cells were localized in the ciliary bands and in their precursor ectoderm. Serotonergic cells were exclusively observed in the apical organs. In juvenile amphioxus, primary sensory neurons in the dorsal nerve cords were HNK-1 immunoreactive. The juvenile amphioxus nerve cords contained anti-serotonin immunoreactive nerve fibers that seem to be the Rohde axons extending from amphioxus interneurons, the Rohde cells. In lamprey embryos, migrating neural crest cells and primary sensory neurons, including Rohon-Beard cells, expressed the HNK-1 carbohydrate. Lamprey larvae (ammocoetes) contained cell aggregates expressing both the HNK-1 carbohydrate and serotonin in the pronephros and in the regions adjacent to the gut epithelium. Some of these cell aggregates were present in the anti-serotonin positive visceral motor nerve net. Motor neurons and Müller fibers were serotonergic in ammocoetes. Comparison of the expression patterns of HNK-1 carbohydrate among sea urchins, amphioxus and lampreys seem to suggest the possible evolutionary origin of the neural crest, that is, ciliary bands in dipleurula-type ancestors evolved into primary sensory neurons in chordate ancestors, as inferred from Garstang's auricularia hypothesis, and the neural crest originated from the primary sensory neurons.

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