
In the normal prostate, transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) inhibits epithelial cell growth and is associated with apoptosis. The role of TGF-beta 1 in prostate cancer remains, however, unclear. In this work, the expression of TGF-beta receptor type I and II (TGF beta-RI and TGF beta-RII) in the Dunning R3327 PAP adenocarcinoma was studied, after castration and oestrogen treatment. Since castration induces apoptosis in the rat ventral prostate (VP) [21], but not in the Dunning R3327 PAP tumour [46], the TGF-beta receptor levels in the tumour were compared to the receptor levels in the VP. Methods used were competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. In the VP, TGF beta-RI and TGF beta-RII expressions were increased after castration, indicating a negative regulation of TGF beta receptors by androgens. In the Dunning tumour, TGF beta-RI and TGF beta-RII levels were elevated and only TGF beta-RI showed a clear-cut increase after castration. The receptors were located in epithelial and smooth muscle cells in the VP and mainly in epithelial cells in the Dunning tumour. In conclusion, the elevated TGF beta receptor levels and the diminished androgen regulation of TGF beta-RII in the tumour distinguish the Dunning R3327 PAP tumour from the normal prostate and need to be further elucidated.

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