
The function of metallothionein in zinc homeostasis was examined by using mice homozygous for knockout (KO) of the metallothionein-I or -II (MT-I and MT-II) genes. Pregnant MT-I/II KO mice or control mice were fed a zinc-deficient (1 μg/g or 5 μg/g) diet or a zinc-adequate (50 μg/g) diet during specific periods of pregnancy, and the effects on morphogenesis of the embryos were determined at day 14 of pregnancy (day 1 = vaginal plug). In the homozygous MT-I/II KO, as well as in the nontransgenic control mice, severe dietary zinc deficiency (1 μg/g) beginning on day 1 of pregnancy was embryotoxic and teratogenic, and the majority of the embryos in both strains were dead by mid-gestation. However, 53% of the surviving embryos in the MT-I/II KO mice were morphologically abnormal compared to only 32% of the embryos in the control mice. In subsequent experiments, moderate dietary zinc deficiency (5 μg/g beginning on day 1 of pregnancy or 1 μg/g dietary zinc beginning on day 8 of pregnancy) exerted teratogenic, but not embryotoxic effects. Embryos in the MT-I/II KO mice were 260 to 290% as likely to develop abnormally than were embryos in the control mice fed these same diets. These results demonstrate that the expression of the MT-I and -II genes in pregnant females improves reproductive success during maternal dietary zinc deficiency.

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