
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or basalioma, is a skin cancer characterized by slow-growing, minimal local invasion, rarely metastasize, but can result in extensive morbidity through local invasion and tissue destruction if the treatment was delayed. In this genomic era, aggressiveness of BCC mainly affected by intrinsic factor such as molecular biological dysregulation. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between level of PTCH1 protein expression and aggressiveness of BCC histopathology. This study was an observational and cross-sectional study with analytical approach, conducted at Outpatient Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology Department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar, Hasanuddin University Hospital, Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo and Hasanuddin University Hospital, and Sentra Diagnostic Patologia Laboratory, Makassar from September 2014 to January 2016. Total sample was 37 paraffin block evaluated and classified as aggressive and nonaggressive BCC by histopathological finding. Aggressive type BCCs were 34 samples (91.9%) and nonaggressive type were 3 samples (8.1%). Micronodular type was the most common histopathologic feature in 30 of 37 subjects (81.1%) and 30 of 88 histopathological finding (34.1%). Each subject can have more than one histopathologic type. Percentage of strong expression PTCH1 was found highest in pigmented type (33.4%), the percentage of moderate expression PTCH1 was found highest in infiltrating type (60.0%), and the percentage of negative/weak PTCH1 expression was found highest in the nodular type (75.0%). In this study, the correlation between the aggressiveness and PTCH 1 expression was not significant statistically (p>0.05), but it is seen that the frequency of strong PTCH1 expression was found to be higher in aggressive than nonaggressive BCC.


  • Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), called basalioma or rodent ulcer, is a skin cancer with characteristics of slowgrowing, minimal local invasion, rarely metastasize, but can result in extensive morbidity through local invasion and tissue destruction if the treatment was delayed. [1,2,3,4,5] This type of carcinoma primarily affects the elderly, white skin, mean age 60 years, locations mostly in areas exposed to sunlight, notably the face as much as 75%. [1, 3, 6] Basal cell carcinoma is common in Caucasian, BCC incident in the USA is increased significantly every year, while the highest incidence in the world are in Australia

  • This study aims to assess the expression of Patched-1 protein (PTCH1) in BCC aggressive and nonaggressive

  • Study by Fernandes et al found that 100% BCC aggressive encountered loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at chromosome 9q22 compared to 13.3% in nonaggressive BCC (p = 0.003)

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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), called basalioma or rodent ulcer, is a skin cancer with characteristics of slowgrowing, minimal local invasion, rarely metastasize, but can result in extensive morbidity through local invasion and tissue destruction if the treatment was delayed. [1,2,3,4,5] This type of carcinoma primarily affects the elderly, white skin, mean age 60 years, locations mostly in areas exposed to sunlight, notably the face as much as 75%. [1, 3, 6] Basal cell carcinoma is common in Caucasian, BCC incident in the USA is increased significantly every year, while the highest incidence in the world are in Australia. [7] BCC incident on the Asian race is still lower than the Caucasian. [1, 3, 6] Basal cell carcinoma is common in Caucasian, BCC incident in the USA is increased significantly every year, while the highest incidence in the world are in Australia. Putu Marcelina et al.: Expression of Patched-1 Protein in Aggressive and Nonaggressive Basal Cell Carcinoma increased significantly since the last 15 years, Toruan (2000) found the incidence of BCC 0.042%, Yahya (2008) reported 0.11% and in 2010 was 0.30%. Extrinsic risk factors especially sun exposure plays a major role in the development of BCC, but in the era of genomics today, aggressiveness BCC mainly affected by the intrinsic risk factors such as molecular biology dysregulation. [11] The most common genetic aberrations in human skin cancers are found at the level of the p53 gene. Radiation of ultraviolet rays cause DNA mutations in certain genes in the cell, such as the p53 gene for BCC and squamous cell cancer, and Patched-1 (PTCH1) gene for BCC. [12]

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