
Expression of the neuronal non-alpha nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (n alpha nAChR) gene is transiently stimulated in the chick optic tectum between embryonic days 7 and 16 with a peak value reached around embryonic day 12. This stimulation takes place at the time when optic nerve axons are invading this region of the brain and proceeds along a rostral to caudal gradient. Transcripts of the n alpha nAChR gene are localized in the superficial layers of the tectum at the time when cells in these layers are forming synapses with retina axons. The transient expression of n alpha nAChR gene does not take place in the optic tectum of 'eyeless' embryos. The results of our study suggest that the neuronal n alpha nAChR gene may play a role in neurogenesis of retino-tectal connections.

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