
Decades of selective breeding have yielded lines of poultry with substantial myofiber hyperplasia, vet little is known about what genes have been altered during the course of selection. Myostatin is a strong negative regulator of muscle mass in mice and cattle and could have been one of many genetic factors contributing to increased myofiber deposition in growth-selected lines of poultry. To test this hypothesis, the sequence and expression patterns of myostatin were analyzed in growth-selected lines of chickens and quail. The sequence of broiler myostatin cDNA, amplified via reverse transcription (RT)-PCR from embryonic muscle RNA, contained no missense mutations in the coding sequence when compared to that of White Leghorn layers, although two silent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were found. Northern analysis of myostatin transcripts from embryonic pectoralis and quadriceps showed no significant differences in expression levels between broiler and layer muscle RNA. However, levels of myostatin transcripts were greatly reduced in muscles of posthatch chicks compared to embryonic muscle. Myostatin protein was also present in broiler and layer embryonic muscle at similar levels. No significant polymorphisms or differences in RNA expression levels were found in embryonic muscles of divergently selected lines of Japanese quail. These results indicate that intense artificial selection in these growth-selected lines of poultry has neither silenced the expression of myostatin nor created null alleles via mutation in the lines analyzed.

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