
A porcine interleukin-6 (pIL-6) cDNA has been cloned from pig spleen cDNA library to provide information that would allow us to study IL-6 mRNA expression during pregnancy of several domestic Artiodactyla. The cDNA is 1058 bp long and with a single open reading frame that encodes a 212 amino acid polypeptide with 28-residue signal sequence. It shares 61% and 43% amino acid sequence identity with human and mouse IL-6, respectively. PCR procedures with primers designed from regions of sequence conserved between human and pig have been used to identify IL-6 cDNA in lambda gt11 libraries constructed from day 15-16 (sheep), day 17 (cattle), and day 13-17 (pig) conceptus mRNA. The presence of IL-6 mRNA in elongating preimplantation ovine (days 13-25), porcine (days 13-21), and bovine (days 16-20) conceptuses was also demonstrated by PCR after reverse transcription of total ribonucleic acid with reverse transcriptase and by solution hybridization with a pIL-6 cRNA probe. These observations suggest that IL-6 is a product of these early conceptuses and may be involved in early maternal responses to the presence of an embryo within the uterus.

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