
Background. It is known that the customs, traditions, material and spiritual riches of the Turkic peoples belong to the great poet A. Thanks to Navoi's sharp intellect and artistic thinking; it has become an immortal property of our spirituality. Therefore, the creative heritage of the great poet is important not only as a work of art, but also as a unique historical and ethnographic source of culture of life of the Turkic peoples, including the Uzbek nation. This article examines the works of Alisher Navoi, depicting the way of life, culture, socio-political, theological and mystical worldview of the Turkic peoples, and even the ancient mythological ideas and some of the customs and rituals associated with them. The traditions of the poet's lyrical, lyre-epic works are an important source for studying the history and spiritual world of the Turkic peoples. Methods. In the article A. In order to clarify the place of folk traditions in Navoi's lyrical heritage, comparative-typological, analytical methods were used. Results. In the works of Alisher Navoi, a special place is given to the depiction and interpretation of plates related to the way of life, culture, socio-political, divine and mystical worldview of the Turkic peoples, and even ancient mythological notions and some customs and rituals associated with them. Such works of art, which are recorded as "ethnographic folklorisms", have played an important role in enhancing the national and realistic spirit of the poet's works, their artistic impact. Conclusion. Navoi's works contain valuable artistic details related to the way of life and customs of the people, which can provide important information in the study of the history of life of the people of that period.

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