
Axon guidance molecules and related proteins such as semaphorin 3A, neuropilin-1, plexin-1, netrin-1, growth-associated protein, olfactory marker protein, cypin and collapsin response mediator proteins guide the development of neural circuits in the olfactory bulb. In this study, transcriptions of these genes were examined in the olfactory bulb of female, male and neonatal testosterone propionate-treated female rats at the ages of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 45 days. The semaphorin 3A, neuropilin-1, growth-associated protein and collapsin response mediator protein 1–5 genes were expressed significantly higher during the early development stages than in adulthood while the opposite is true for the olfactory marker protein. The expression profile of cypin and netrin-1 was relatively constant through development. A late effect of the neonatal testosterone propionate treatment on netrin-1, growth-associated protein, olfactory marker protein, collapsin response mediator proteins 1, 3, 4 and cypin gene expression was observed. The expression profiles of collapsin response mediator proteins and their related genes in the developing olfactory bulb confirmed most studies on the relationship between collapsin response mediator proteins and development in the brain. Sex differences of semaphorin 3A, neuropilin-1 as well as collapsin response mediator protein 3 at the early development stage and the late effect of neonatal testosterone propionate treatment on the expressions of netrin-1, growth-associated marker protein, cypin and collapsin response mediator proteins 1, 3 and 5 genes may indicate a possible role of these molecules on sexual differentiation of the olfactory bulb.

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