
Expression of Mdh1alleles has been studied in 60 apozygotic (agamospermic) sugar beet progenies. Seed progenies were obtained by uniparental (pollenless) mode of seed reproduction: selfing of pollen-sterile plants isolated with paper bags. The apozygotic seed progenies demonstrate a disomic gamete autosegregation, i.e., the ratio between genotypes in the progenies correspond to the gamete segregation in a duplex heterozygote of an autotetraploid. It was shown that the ratio between theMdh1phenotypes in apozygotic progenies is strongly affected by spontaneous inactivation of one of the alleles. In most progenies, the excess of FF phenotypes and the deficit of SS phenotypes were observed. In our opinion, such deviations in genotype and phenotype frequencies result from conversion of the active Mdh1-Sinto the inactive Mdh1-S0allele (epigenetic gene inactivation). The spontaneous inactivation of one allele results in extremely variable frequencies of heterozygous Mdh1-F/Mdh1-Sgenotypes and phenotypes in the apozygotic seed progenies. The empirical distribution of the frequencies of heterozygous genotypes in the apozygotic seed progenies is given by a negative binomial distribution describing the expected time of occurrence of random events.

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