
Drosophila Crumbs and the mammalian homologues encoded by the Crb genes are transmembrane proteins required for determination of retinal cell polarity. We cloned a novel variant of mouse Crb1 and termed it Crb1s. Since the 3 ′-end of exon 6 remained unspliced, Crb1s coded for a short secretory protein lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains required for the function of Crb1. The Crb1 expression was confined to brain and eye, whereas Crb1s was detectable in various tissues including skin, lung, and kidney in adult mice. Active expression of Crb1s, but not Crb1, was observed during the skin development, in which localization of the Crb1s protein was altered from the basal layer to the upper layers. Cultured mouse keratinocytes synthesized the Crb1s protein and secreted a 80 kDa processed form to the supernatant. After Ca 2+-induced differentiation, Crb1s became associated with focal adhesions and cell–cell contacts. Crb1s may play a role distinct from that of Crb1 in epidermal tissue morphogenesis.

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