
We report the production of a monoclonal antibody (MAb 526) that recognizes a novel, developmentally regulated nuclear protein expressed in neurons throughout the rat nervous system. Analysis of whole brain and cell nuclear extracts by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting determined that MAb 526 recognizes a single nuclear protein (np) of apparent molecular weight 42 kD, designated np526, as well as a slightly larger (ca. 44 kD) cytoplasmic protein. Light microscopic immunocytochemistry showed np526 to be present in neurons of all types throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. Nuclei of both fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes were also immunoreactive, but oligodendrocyte nuclei were negative. Positive, but highly variable immunocytochemical staining of nonneural cell nuclei in a variety of other tissues was also observed. Electron microscopic (EM) immunocytochemistry using pre-embedding peroxidase methods revealed that np526 is associated with euchromatin or with the edges of condensed chromatin bundles in neurons, indicating that it is likely to be a chromosomal protein. Most interestingly, the expression of np526 was found to be developmentally regulated in brain. Immunocytochemical analysis of the developing cerebral cortex from embryonic day (E) 16 to postnatal day (P) 4 and cerebellum from P4 to P18 revealed that np526 first appears in central neurons following the cessation of mitosis and that the intensity of nuclear staining increases during subsequent neuronal maturation. To our knowledge, np526 is the first presumptive chromosomal protein whose expression has been precisely correlated with the early postmitotic differentiation of mammalian neurons.

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