
Dispersal as a means of escape from deteriorating habitats is of particular ecological relevance for organisms such as certain astigmatic mites that colonize habitats which vary unpredictably in space and time. The mites meet these ecological challenges by a facultative dispersal morph, the heteromorphic deutonymph, also called hypopus. The appearance or absence of hypopodes in natural populations is attributable to two fundamentally different, albeit interacting, causes. Genetic polymorphism for the propensity to induce a hypopus provides for heritable variation within the population and allows selection to favor or eliminate certain genotypes. The genotypic composition of a population reflects selection forces previously acting on the population. But it holds no predictive power. Rather, it adapts the population to cope with unpredictably varying living conditions because it ensures instantaneous fit of certain genotypes of the population (those displaying hypopus-free development) to favorable (moist) environmental conditions, and others (those expressing a hypopus) to detrimental (dry) conditions. In contrast, environmentally cued inducibility allows mites to anticipate food quality inasmuch as it allows each genotype of the population to adjust its development rapidly to impending adversity or benefit. Inducibility occurs by means of a developmental switching mechanism and leads either to a developmental pathway with a hypopus or else one without. The expression of a hypopus depends on interacting genetic and environmental (trophic) factors. High levels of additive genetic variation combine with considerable genetic-trophical interaction (comprising a threshold for phenotypic expression of the trait) to control hypopus induction. The results are consistent with a variable threshold whose level depends on diet quality. Different trophic conditions set the threshold at different points along the genetic scale resulting in different proportions of hypopus-forming and directly developing individuals within the population. The threshold, therefore, converts the concealed continuous genetic variation underlying the trait into a discontinuous response of the mite.

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