
Previous studies have shown that dendritic cells (DCs) and apoptosis-related proteins play a critical role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases (ATD). This study was designed to investigate the expression and distribution of S-100 protein, CD83 and apoptosis-related proteins (Fas, FasL and Bcl-2) in the thyroid tissues of ATD and their role in ATD pathogenesis as determined by immunochemical staing techniques and other methods. Pathological tissues of 30 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), 30 patients with Graves' disease (GD) and 30 cases of thyroid follicular adenoma (TFA, as control) were used for this study. A higher expression of S-100 in HT (4.2+/-3.1%) and GD (3.9+/-2.8%) vs TFA (0.95+/-0.64%) (p<0.001). was observed as well as a higher expression of CD83 in HT (22.58+/-13.96% and GD (29.92+/-14.43%) vs TFA (5.19+/-8.08%) (p<0.001). HT thyrocytes adjacent to thyroid infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) showed greater increases in the levels of Fas and FasL than did the GD thyrocytes while HT TILs exhibited lower expression of Fas and FasL than did the GD TILs. GD thyrocytes expressed increased levels of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 as compared to the low levels detected in HT thyrocytes. An opposite pattern was observed in the TILs in GD (low expression of Bcl-2) and HT (high expression of Bcl-2). The findings suggest that the high expression of DC markers is related to the pathogenesis of HT and GD. Up-regulation of both the number and matured functions of DCs may lead to the presentation of more antigens to lymphocytes which are related to the development of autoimmune thyroid diseases. The regulation of Fas/FasL/Bcl-2 in GD favors apoptosis of infiltrating lymphocytes and thyrocyte survival. The regulation of Fas/FasL/Bcl-2 in HT may promote thyrocyte apoptosis leading to hypothyroidism.

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