
AbstractThe presented paper deals with the development of a new method for determining static and dynamic values of mechanical equivalents from ultrasonic wave measurements. The aim of the new method of determination of mechanical equivalents of materials based on ultrasonic wave measurements is the development of a new algorithm for implementation in instruments for express non‐destructive diagnostics of elastic‐strength and defectoscopic parameters and instantaneous stress‐strain state of the material, including theoretical construction of the σ‐ϵ load diagram and other analyses based on ultrasonic measurements. The proposed method is characterized by a new theoretical basis for determining the equivalents of physical‐mechanical and defectoscopic characteristics, i. e., the equivalents of the so‐called tabular values of materials, and, in addition, it will also expressively evaluate their time evolution changes due to the structural‐strain alteration of the material during the reshaping process under technological and functional stresses.

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