
The market for water-based paints (WBP) is growing, and these paints are favoured due to their low emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Because of the risk for microbial growth, biocides are usually added to WBP. Our study aimed to measure exposure to VOCs potentially of microbial origin (MVOC), during indoor application of typical Scandinavian WBP. Low concentrations of three MVOCs, 3-methyl-furan, 1-octen-3-ol, and 2-octen-1-ol, were detected during 5 out of 20 painting operations (25%). Mean exposures to MVOC and TVOC were 0.15 and 5000 μg/m3, respectively. No relation between MVOC and TVOC was observed. The highest exposure to MVOC was measured from an ecological paint, claimed to be low in VOCs and chemical additives. The results suggest that microbial growth in WBP may occur, and that measurements of MVOCs could be used as a means of quality control for WBP. The use of biocides in paint should be guided by the principle of a balance between the risk of contact allergies or other possible health hazards from the biocides, and the risk of microbial growth. If microbial growth occurs in paint, it may cause both unpleasant odor and potential health hazards for house painters and dwellers.

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