
The control of defoliating caterpillars in forestry includes the use of insecticides and releases of the predatory bug Podisus nigrispinus, but some compounds may affect non-target natural enemies, which need evaluation of risk assessment. This research investigates the survival, preference, and prey consumption of P. nigrispinus adults fed with prey treated with the lethal concentration (LC50) of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), permethrin, tebufenozide, and thiamethoxam. Moreover, midgut histopathology of P. nigrispinus fed with preys treated with LC50 of each insecticide was investigated. The insecticides Bt, permethrin, and thiamethoxam reduce the survival and the prey consumption in P. nigrispinus fed with preys contaminate with these chemicals. However, the four tested insecticides, including tebufenozide, cause histological changes such as irregular epithelial architecture, cytoplasm vacuolization, and release of cell fragments in the midgut lumen of P. nigrispinus. The sublethal effects of Bt, permethrin, tebufenozide, and thiamethoxam to the natural enemy suggest that they should be better evaluated to be used together with P. nigrispinus for integrated pest management in forestry.

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