
Nowadays, adolescents have extensive access to Information and Communication Technologies, which allow them to engage in social networking activities that may expose them to Online Hate Speech (OHS). While there are few cross-sectional studies about the effects of OHS Exposure on attitudes and aggressive behavior, no study aims to analyze the tendency to Speak Up when exposed to certain content (e.g., reporting, etc.). In addition, no instruments have yet been validated to assess these constructs. The aim of the present study, focused on Online ethnic Hate Speech (OeHS), is double: (a) develop a scale to measure OeHS Exposure and the tendency to Speak Up and analyze its psychometric properties; (b) analyze the longitudinal association between Xenophobia (XEN), OeHS Exposure, and Speaking Up against OeHS, while taking into account gender differences and the nested nature of the data. Six hundred sixty-six Italian high school students (52.7 percent male; MAge = 15[0.64]), nested in 36 ninth grade classes (10 schools), took part in the longitudinal study. The first wave of data collection occurred in early 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic. The second and third waves took place 12 and 15 months later, respectively. Findings suggest that the OeHS Scale has good psychometric properties. Moreover, according to the findings, while the three variables of interest are always cross-sectionally correlated, a longitudinal negative association have been found between XEN and both Exposure and Speaking Up. Regarding the impact of OeHS Exposure, the good news is related to the absence of a longitudinal association with both XEN and Speaking Up.

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