
In conjunction with a proposed algal cultivation scheme utilizing thermal effluent, twelve Fischerella strains were tested for tolerance to temperatures above and below their growth range. Exposure to 65 °C or 70 °C for 30 min caused bleaching and death of most or all cells. Effects of 60 °C exposure for periods of up to 2 h ranged from undetectable to severe for the various strains. Chlorophyll a content typically decreased 21–22% immediately following 60 °C or 65 °C (1 h) exposure. However, the 60 °C-shocked cultures regained normal Chl a content after 24 h at 45 °C, whereas Chl a in 65 °C-shocked cultures immediately lost visible autofluorescence and was later degraded. Exposure to 15 °C virtually stopped growth of all strains during a 48 h exposure period. Most strains grew as rapidly as 45 °C controls when restored to 45 °C, while a few strains recovered more slowly. Comparison with dark-incubated controls indicated that photooxidative damage did not occur during cold shock. Certain strains exhibited relatively rapid recovery from both heat and cold exposure, thus meeting the temperature tolerance criteria for the proposed algal cultivation process.

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