
PP-30-092 Background/Aims: Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is a brominated frame retardant used for insulation and textile coating. In the near future, HBCD may be prohibited internationally because of a persistent organic pollutant. We estimated the exposure levels of HBCD among Japanese people and attempted to quantify the health risk of HBCD. Methods: We estimated HBCD intake through the 3-stage exposure analysis. At the first stage, HBCD concentrations in 4 environmental media such as air, soil, water, and sediment were calculated by using Fugacity Model (multi-media environmental fate model), based on HBCD emissions in 2008, which were estimated from the substance flow analysis in Japan. In the second stage, the concentrations in 9 exposure media such as ambient air, indoor air, house dust, leaf vegetables, root vegetables, meat, milk, fish, and tap water were calculated. Then, intake level of HBCD through each exposure media was computed by multiplying the HBCD concentration in each exposure media by personal daily consumption of each media, and was summed up. Results: Average HBCD intake was estimated to be 6.45 ng/kg-BW/d (via ingestion: 4.74 ng/kg-BW/d, via inhalation: 1.71 ng/kg-BW/d), and the level is significantly lower than NOAEL for HBCD (10.2 mg/kg-BW/d). Conclusion: This study suggests that the urgent action for HBCD might be not necessary in Japan.

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