
The economic base is one of Marx’s grand and indelible thoughts. According to Marx the modern capitalist society is a reflection of the economic base. Although the whole idea of the economic base presents a materialist understanding of history, yet the unfolding realities reveal that the base remains powerful as Marx predicted. The paper revisits Marx’s view of historical act and its ramifications on the intellectual base and epistemic community in particular and the larger society in general. The paper further raises the questions, should academic institutions dance to the tune of the economic base and should the intelligentsia and the epistemic community bow to the dictation of the economic base? How much should we allow the economic base to shape our consciousness and thinking process? Could there be an alternative to the dictate of the economic base? And finally, does inaction and lack of vigour to effect change give the base an undisputable challenge and thereby leading to class division and class conflict. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n1p219

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