
Banking upon the quantum conception of ‘soul’ (as a quantum equivalent of information) and ‘quantum reincarnations’ coined recently by Stuart Hameroff and also the Ervin Laszlo's ‘Akashik theory,’ we can realistically infer it to be the current force of spirit (soul), which, by virtue of being a supreme information reservoir (potential as well kinetic), is responsible for the elevation of an ordinary cognitive consciousness to a higher degree of spiritual consciousness. This was authoritatively and scientifically proved in the religious scriptures of Sant Mat (Radhasoami faith) long ago. Perhaps, these freshly realized revelations about the quantum correlate of spirit forces (soul) and their reincarnation mechanism selectively made by some of the quantum scientists across the globe can comprehensively resolve the much debated conflict between the science and the religion regarding the claims of existence of subtler spiritual forces, especially when one becomes able to understand the gradation and potential differences existing between the super quantum intelligent ‘spirit/soul entity’ and that of human mind and the matter and their reciprocal internal communion and relations. It can also pave the way to realize that all mind/brain properties and the hidden potentials at microcosmic level are subordinate to the macro ‘spirit force’ which supplies to them all the needed energy and intelligence and bliss to realize whatever is contained within or manifested outside as its physical organization. On the other hand, one can also realize the dynamic possibility of exciting, inducing or setting kinetic these quantum conscious neurons (or, cellular automata made up of tubulines; jointly propounded by Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose) through the performance of concentration meditation practices, prescribed in eastern yogic tradition or generally, in the religion of saints for the awakening of a fairly dormant conscious-spiritual dynamics inside a human mind/brain and transforming it into an enlightened spiritual quantum brain.

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