
Every day I can treat anywhere from 4-10 infants in need of surgical revisions of the lip and tongue (TOTS) or tethered oral tissues for difficulties latching on to their mother’s breast? The symptoms they mother and infant present with can include for the mother; nipple damage, thrush, spasm, severe pain, engorgement and in some instances the emotional impact can lead to postpartum depression when the mother-infant bond fails to properly develop [1-6]. Among the infant’s symptoms; reflux, sleep apnea, pain from gas, sleepless nights, falling to sleep when latching and non-nutritional feeds. When these parents seek care, the stories they hear from their healthcare providers, which have no credible scientific or medical basis are many. From the many comments that have been repeated to me by mothers and fathers, I have chosen the top ten what I call MYTHS (takes) to write about in this article.

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