
Embedding opportunities for undergraduate pharmacy students to move between academic and practiceenvironments is key to transform their perception of patient care and to facilitate learning of the skills required forthe changing profession (Smith and Darracott, 2011). An approach adopted by many health care professions toprepare students for diversity with their field, is exposure to non-workplace environments in the form ofrole-emerging placements (REPs) (Whiteford and Wright St-Clair, 2002).The study presented is part of an ongoing action research project; this cycle focusses on exposing students tochallenges surrounding care of young children. Barriers and facilitators arising from an earlier pilot of REPs in theCardiff School of Pharmacy were considered when designing and implementing innovative placements for entrylevel pharmacy undergraduates in venues where mother and toddler groups were running. Students participated in apre-placement workshop where they explored a flexible list of questions to facilitate their interactions. Placementswere supervised by members of staff, who supported students throughout their experience and during a group debriefat the end of each session. Students were called to reflect further during a post-placement workshop with the rest oftheir colleagues.The full cohort of students submitted a copy of their overall reflections. Entries were analysed via thematic analysisto provide an overview. The sessions raised awareness of issues when providing pharmaceutical care to children andcontributed to students’ professional development. Challenges to their interactions were identified and suggestionsfor improvement were made. Results will inform structure and content of future REPs.

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