
The article describes the export support system, including directions, measures, and support institutions at the federal and regional levels. Particular attention is paid to the study of indicators for assessing the performance of exports. The relevance is due to the expansion of systemic financing of export promotion programs, which requires the formation of a methodological base for assessing the effectiveness of budget funds allocated for export promotion programs’ financing. Based on a study of domestic and foreign practice, the levels of the promotion measures impact on exports are revealed: state, region, industry, economic entity. At the state and regional level, the goal of export promotion is to increase its value, especially in the field of non-resource non-energy exports. In this regard, the basis for assessing the effectiveness of support is a regression model between the indicators of expenditures export promotion programs and volumes of regional exports. The study showed that the direct relationship between the volume of financing of export promotion programs and its volume is insignificant. That indicates the need for a comprehensive assessment of the results of export promotion based on a system of indicators.

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