
This paper demonstrates the reliability of a discrete-time analogue in preserving the exponential convergence of a bidirectional associative memory (BAM) network that is subject to nonlinear impulses. The analogue derived from a semi-discretisation technique with the value of the time-step fixed is treated as a discrete-time dynamical system while its exponential convergence towards an equilibrium state is studied. Thereby, a family of sufficiency conditions governing the network parameters and the impulse magnitude and frequency is obtained for the convergence. As special cases, one can obtain from our results, those corresponding to the non-impulsive discrete-time BAM networks and also those corresponding to continuous-time (impulsive and non-impulsive) systems. A relation between the Lyapunov exponent of the non-impulsive system and that of the impulsive system involving the size of the impulses and the inter-impulse intervals is obtained.

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