
The 20 solar mass model of Nomoto and Hashimoto (1988) is utilized with a 6 solar mass. He core is used to perform explosive nucleosynthesis calculations. The employed explosion energy of 10 to the 51st ergs lies within the uncertainty range inferred from the bolometric light curve. The nucleosynthesis processes and their burning products are discussed in detail. The results are compared with abundances from IR observations of SN 1987A and the average nucleosynthesis expected for Type II supernovae in Galactic chemical evolution. The abundances of long-lived radioactive nuclei and their importance for the late light curve and gamma-ray observations are predicted. The position of the mass cut between the neutron star and the ejecta is deduced from the total amount of ejected Ni-56. This requires a neutron star with a baryonic mass of 1.6 + or - 0.045 solar mass, which corresponds to a gravitational mass of 1.43 + or - 0.05 solar mass after subtracting the binding energy of a nonrotating neutron star.

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