
We present study of a typical explosive event (EE) at sub-arcsecond scale witnessed by strong non-Gaussian profiles with blue- and red-shifted emission of up to 150 km/s seen in the transition-region Si IV 1402.8 \AA, and the chromospheric Mg II k 2796.4 \AA\ and C II 1334.5 \AA\ observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph at unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution. For the first time a EE is found to be associated with very small-scale ($\sim$120 km wide) plasma ejection followed by retraction in the chromosphere. These small-scale jets originate from a compact bright-point-like structure of $\sim$1.5" size as seen in the IRIS 1330 \AA\ images. SDO/AIA and SDO/HMI co-observations show that the EE lies in the footpoint of a complex loop-like brightening system. The EE is detected in the higher temperature channels of AIA 171 \AA, 193 \AA\ and 131 \AA\ suggesting that it reaches a higher temperature of log T$=5.36\pm0.06$ (K). Brightenings observed in the AIA channels with durations 90--120 seconds are probably caused by the plasma ejections seen in the chromosphere. The wings of the C II line behave in a similar manner as the Si IV's indicating close formation temperatures, while the Mg II k wings show additional Doppler-shifted emission. Magnetic convergence or emergence followed by cancellation at a rate of $5\times10^{14}$ Mx s$^{-1}$ is associated with the EE region. The combined changes of the locations and the flux of different magnetic patches suggest that magnetic reconnection must have taken place. Our results challenge several theories put forward in the past to explain non-Gaussian line profiles, i.e. EEs. Our case study on its own, however, cannot reject these theories, thus further in-depth studies on the phenomena producing EEs are required.

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